Child Protection:
Child Protection Victoria Website
Eastern 1300 360 391
Northern 1300 664 977
Southern 1300 655 795
Western 1800 075 599
Western Metro Only 1300 664 977
After hours 13 12 78
Disability Abuse and Neglect:
Disability Services Commissioner 1800 677 342 Website
Elder Abuse:
Aged Care Complaints Commission 1800 951 822 Website
Mental Health:
Health Complaints Commission 1800 246 054 Website
Police Contact:
Local Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Investigation Team (SOCIT) locations and phone numbers Website
Sexual Assault Services:
Sexual Assault Crisis Line Website
Crisis Line: 1800 806 292(free call)
Administration: 03 8345 3021
Email: -
Sexual Assault Services Victoria Website
Bravehearts Victoria1800 272 831 Website or Shepparton Education Team Ph: 03 5831 2797
Support Services:
Drummond Street Services – support and recovery for individuals, families, couples, young people and children 03 9663 6733 Website
Open Place – counselling and support for Forgotten Australians and former Child Migrants, their families and carers 1800 779 379 Website
Link Up Victoria – counselling, healing and culturally appropriate support for Indigenous Australians 1800 687 662 Website
Relationships Australia Vic – family, relationship and specialist counselling services 1800 052 674 or 1300 364 277 Website
Advice on options available to those who have experienced institutional abuse:
Ethi-call, confidential ethics counselling service offered free by St James Ethics Centre - an independent organisation with no religious or political affiliations. If you are having trouble deciding whether to report abuse in the Church this free service may help.
Knowmore an independent service with specialist trained staff to provide legal information and advice for telling your story to the Royal Commission.
Within the Church there are number of established services for victims and survivors of sexual abuse.
Catholic Social Services Australia: is the national network of Catholic social services. The majority of members provide counselling and support services.
Victims and survivors can also contact non-church support groups and services:
National sexual assault domestic and family violence counselling service
An Australian support group
An Australian support group
Australian peak body which advances the health and wellbeing of people and communities affected by childhood trauma
Care Leavers Australia Network
Mental health support for young people
Independent advocacy, case work, referral and support to aid recovery for people who have experienced abuse, their families and communities responding to religious institutional abuses.
24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention
Telephone and online counselling support for men
Survivors' network
Survivors & Mates Support Network
For men coping with the effects of childhood sexual abuse